Business Automation for Health Insurance

MEDFORM digitalises all forms of health insurance institutions and allows paper processes to be managed digitally


The standard daily pattern of medical practitioners includes a substantial administrative workload related primarily to health insurance institutions. In particular, treatment of severe conditions is often subject to pre-approval of the medical examination board of insurance companies. Based on a request that the medical practitioner needs to fill out manually, the medical practitioner is deprived of the most valuable – time dedicated to patients.

At Altamira, we have developed the system MEDFORM, which digitalises all forms of health insurance institutions and allows paper processes to be managed digitally.

Our Expertise

Web Development

Business Automation


Discovery phase

Product development


Quality Assurance



Key results

  • MEDFORM digitalizes forms for all health insurance institutions
  • It allows paper processes to be managed digitally

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The Challenge

MEDFORM is a project aiming to digitalise the parts of medical bureaucracy that have been sidelined so far. We think that a medical practitioner should cure and not cope with the administrative burden.

Despite large investments into the digitalisation of healthcare, there are still many processes in place that need to be digital, and medical practitioners still work with a large number of papers, applications, and protocols, which they are forced to send to insurance institutions by mail.

Forms are often rather complicated, including many details that have to be slowly filled out by medical staff. Forms are physically delivered to insurance institutions by mail – except for the insurance institution Dôvera, which allows for digital delivery using their digital system.

Legal perspective

We also consider the legal perspective of handling patients’ data, therefore in the solution of we cooperate with a renowned law firm, Dagital Legal, which is oriented primarily on personal data protection and GDPR issues.

Entirely in line with GDPR

Our solution is fully in line with GDPR; besides, it is fully compliant with standards ISO 9001 – quality management system and ISO 27001 – physical and data security.

Legal security

The legal analysis that preceded the development of our solution guarantees the legal security of stored data; the abovementioned technical standards are, on the other hand, a guarantee of data and physical security.



The Solution

There is a great number of forms, and each includes a large number of details. Therefore, we have developed a system that facilitates the digitalisation of such forms to the fullest extent possible and “turns them” from their scattered “paper” format into structured forms that are part of a web solution.

The solution is easy for a system user – a medical practitioner. Using the website’s simple interface, the medical practitioner chooses the insurance institution in which the patient is insured and a form that should be filled out.

We have built MEDFORM to be as simple as possible so that a medical practitioner can use it without any instruction (and obstruction). It is possible to use the system without registration for a single-purpose application generation; once registered, a full set of features will "unlock."

The score is stored in the background and generates a trajectory of the patient’s health status, a very important indicator for the patient’s treating physician, who can access the data from the app via a linked web application.

Besides the features above, the mobile app allows users to set treatment reminders, communicate with Apple Health, and connect to smart devices via Bluetooth.

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The Result

Digitalisation is an error-prone process. It is a manual, routine work with a result that needs to be thoroughly validated to be sure about the quality of outputs. And we have done that. All published, digitalised forms have passed internal QA checks and thorough testing by an external tester; we can, therefore, safely assume that digitalised outputs are as expected by the user – medical practitioner. is a system based on absolute simplicity; users thus reach digitalised forms with two or three clicks. Registration is an advantage but not a condition of use. Without logging in, the physician uses a single-purpose generation of applications that is downloadable in DOC/DOCX or PDF form.

Once registered, the medical practitioner has other features available in the system

  • Management of patient database
  • Management of application and protocol database
  • Repeated creation of applications and protocols from templates
  • Repeated creation of applications and protocols from previous forms
  • Statistical indicators
  • Monitoring and management of application expiration and notification to alert the medical practitioner and patient to create a new application
  • Communication module for SMS communication with a patient, and many more.

Case Studies
