Discovery Stage Service

Discovery Phase of a Software Project

Initiating the discovery phase of a software project with Altamira is a prerequisite to validating and structuring your project ideas, discovering all the unknowns, and mitigating software development risks.

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Decrease the level of uncertainty and minimise risks thanks to discovery stage in software development

What is the purpose of the discovery stage in software development?

Software discovery is a crucial pre-development phase that involves gathering information, conducting holistic research of your business environment, writing documentation, and developing epics and user stories. The discovery phase of a software project results in having a clearly defined project scope ready to be developed.

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What uncertainties discovery phase of project reveals

Solution architecture

Throughout the software discovery process, we clarify, describe, and visualise the functional and non-functional requirements of your solution. We analyse third-party dependencies and make key architectural decisions that serve as the prerequisites for shaping the technical solution.

Scope forming

One of the outputs of the software development discovery phase is a clearly described scope of works, including wireframes of the entire solution, broken down into Epics and User Stories. As a result, we can minimise or decrease the scope uncertainty and commit to budgets and timelines.

Standards and compliances

As your solution might operate in a regulated environment, we help you discover and understand all your legal obligations and their impact on the technical solution. During the discovery stage, we also make sure the solution meets the usual industry standards.

Discovery stage structure and flow

The discovery phase in software development minimises uncertainties and makes budgets and timelines predictable and accurate

01 Preparation

02 Ideation

03 Validation and outcomes

We arrange a call to briefly discuss your idea, business objectives, goals, and priorities. Together, we’ll schedule working sessions and think over the discovery plan.

What you get:

  • Clear Discovery stage plan and schedule. 
  • Meetings schedule.
  • Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders clearly outlined.

During this stage, we focus on the high-level vision and dive into your business sphere. Collaborating with us, you’ll define your high-level priorities and form a complete project vision.

What you get: 

  • Project Vision Document. 
  • Mind diagrams (user flows, business flows, list of solution options, etc.).

Prioritise your solution options and write a high-level project structure. At this stage user flows, wireframes, design concepts, and roadmap are being prepared. We also perform prioritisation validation.

What you get:

  • Project specifications
  • Wireframes
  • Verified project budget and timeline estimation
  • Development roadmap
  • List of third-party dependencies
  • Solution architecture 
  • Risk assessment and mitigation plan, and many more.

Discovery stage outcomes

01 - Project vision document

Project Vision document will help you to identify your value proposition and target audience, monetisation strategy, and key performance indicators. Describe the main idea behind the project and define objectives and problems that the solution will solve.

02 - Preliminary specifications

The specifications contain a structured and comprehensive backlog. It captures functional and non-functional requirements and information about the tech stack. It is written in the form of epics and separated user stories to better understand the scope and allow proper planning.

03 - Tech vision

It contains information about the tech stack, infrastructure architecture, key risks, the list of all necessary third-party solutions, and verified estimation of your project.

04 - Roadmap

This is a visualised plan of your future project that captures goals (long and short-term), priorities, deliverables, and a list of actions the developer’s team will perform.

05 - Wireframes design concept

Wireframes describing all-important user screens and UX roadmap will help to understand a full picture of how the solution will look and how its elements will communicate.

Strive for excellence with Altamira

Altamira has been awarded numerous times for its performance and achievements. Join our community of successful customers, whom we helped to build and grow their businesses through a software discovery process.

Main advantages of the discovery phase

Optimised development cost

Due to precise project specifications, agreed architecture, and technology stack, you can thoughtfully schedule the development stages, prioritize the tasks, and work more efficiently. This all leads to faster progress and, as a result, lower costs.

Predicted outcome

The Discovery phase allows you to divide your whole big project into small parts called user stories and use cases to describe and confirm how this or that feature is supposed to work. Which, in turn, leads to successful results.

Helpful deliverables

The documentation you receive after the discovery phase can be further used if you consider improving your project in the future, alter it, or somehow changing the concept but sticking with your initial business needs.

When do you need to perform a discovery stage?

Take the next step

Let’s treat the core problems, not symptoms.

Receive a personalised project estimate and take the first step towards bringing your idea to life.

Explore our case studies and find out how we have helped some of our clients from around the world.

For startups

Launching a new venture? Our Discovery Phase is the key to turning your bold ideas into a viable product. We focus on defining core functionalities, ensuring market fit, and understanding user needs, all while aligning with your budget. Our holistic approach sets you up for growth, enabling you to invest wisely and scale smartly.

For small and medium-sized businesses

For SMEs aiming to adopt new technologies or expand, our Discovery Phase fine-tunes your vision. We help you navigate the difficulties of market trends and user expectations, ensuring your project not only meets but exceeds industry standards.

For enterprises

Enterprises looking to maintain their competitive edge will find value in our Discovery Phase through its thorough market and technological analysis. We focus on smooth integration and scalability, ensuring new projects improve your existing ecosystem.

Discover why customers choose Altamira

Altamira produced superlative deliverables that provide valuable information to guide internal operations and support sales processes.

The team was receptive to feedback, adapting resources to ensure effective collaboration.


Ryan Crawford

eCommerce USA

Powerful web platform for aircraft brokerage.

Services we provided

  • Discovery
  • Web application development
Communication was excellent and my original idea became real thanks to the brilliant work of Business Analysts and Project Managers. Their prompts were always on time, hence there were no misunderstandings in the process.

I am absolutely satisfied with how my app looks and functions. It is exactly what I wanted to get when I decided to go with this team.

CEO & Co-founder, Aquiline Drones

Barry Alexander

eCommerce USA

A mobile large-scale project for the development of innovative drones for various needs, both civilian and government agencies, and the creation of digital services for them.

Services we provided

  • Discovery
  • Mobile application development
At first, I felt hesitant about trusting such a complex project to outsource developers. But, fortunately, my concerns appeared to be absolutely unfounded. Altamira team did amazing job! And I was pleasantly surprised by how well-established processes they have.

CTO, Ticker Tocker

Jonathan Kopnic

Fintech USA

Trading platform development with education, broadcasting, and social networking modules, just to name a few. This intuitive platform helps to earn by trading and selling trading-related products.

Services we provided

Being deeply invested in the education sector, it was quite a challenge to find a software development partner capable of understanding and delivering on our vision. Altamira rose to the occasion, meeting our expectations with the development of our educational solution.

Their holistic approach was evident in how professionally they integrated our ideas with their expertise, resulting in a product that totally meets our goals.

CEO, Elula

Deveren Fogle

EdTech USA

Revolutionary empowerment tool for neuropsychological assessments and child’s academic success.

Services we provided

  • Web and mobile application development
  • Artificial Intelligence
It has been an absolute pleasure working with the team at Altamira. We have never been blocked or impeded by their work. They operate efficiently and quickly to get the job done.


Ian Cash

Health USA

Golf training app that helps players improve their unique golf style, including a deep configuration of the swing goal, great visual support, advanced algorithms, and effective feedback.

Services we provided

  • Discovery
  • Mobile application development
  • Software development
Altamira helped us to shape the future of music by launching our disruptive publishing tool scodo. What I appreciate most in working with them is their incredibly structured approach while keeping a strong focus on reaching our project’s goals. And of course all of that paired with highly talented and likeable people across the board.

Head of Services, Universal Edition

Andreas Bintinger

Entertainment Austria

Electronic document delivery ecosystem development for music publishing.

Services we provided

  • Discovery
  • Web application development
  • Software development

People also asked

What is the software discovery phase?

The discovery phase of a software project is an initial stage in the development process where the project’s scope, goals, and feasibility are thoroughly evaluated. This discovery phase of software development involves understanding the client’s needs, identifying potential challenges, and establishing clear objectives. It serves as a roadmap for the entire project, ensuring that the team and stakeholders are aligned before moving forward.

What should be included in the discovery phase of a project?

During the discovery phase of a project, several key elements should be included:

  • Requirement analysis: Detailed gathering of all the project requirements from stakeholders.
  • Market research: Understanding the competitive landscape and market needs.
  • Feasibility Study: Assessing the viability of the project.
  • Resource planning: Estimating the resources (time, budget, workforce) needed for the project.
  • Risk assessment: Identifying potential risks and preparing mitigation strategies.
What is the discovery phase of a project in Agile?

In Agile, the project discovery phase is more dynamic and iterative. It involves the following:

  • Collaborative planning to define the project scope and objectives in an adaptable manner.
  • User stories and backlog creation that outline the functionality and features of the final product.
  • Sprint planning to address different aspects of the project.
  • Iterative feedback gathering to regularly review progress and adapt plans.

The discovery software development in Agile projects is important for setting a flexible yet clear direction, accommodating changes and new insights as the project evolves.

Looking forward to your message!

  • We will send you a confirmation email once your message is received
  • Our experts will get back to you within 24h for a free consultation
  • All information you provide will be kept confidential and protected under NDA
  • We will provide an initial project estimate during your consultation