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Digital Transformation Stories in HR Industry

Software Development 💻


This year COVID-19 sets its own rules all around the world in all spheres of life and business industries. Some companies were ready for it, others – not but, nevertheless, most of the companies are now up and running remotely successfully. The only sphere which is not digitized enough to work stable and efficiently now is HR. 

In today’s article, we are going to find out how HR can be digitized without stress.

What is HR digitalization?

Firstly, let’s make sure that we all understand “digitalization” correctly. 

HR digital transformation is a transition from traditional manual business processes to a business that has technology as its core in internal (employee-facing, operational) functions.
If you are not sure if you need HR transformation or not then think and make a decision if you want your Human Resources department to save time for the day to day tasks and automate processes for them and to level up your employee experience and, as a result, use the free time which is left for the implementation of other great business plans.
At every stage of your HR department modification, we should remember that things should stay simple and clear. If your company is still growing and only has up to 15 employees then you can start with basic HR functions, such as payrolls, attendance systems, and personal tracking. After your team grows up to 50 coworkers it’s time to think about their performance management,  candidate tracking, and working with benefits for their hard work. And then, when your company becomes large enough you’ll have to work with onboarding applications, different kinds of compensations, and learning management.  

When you make a decision to start working on the optimization of your Human Resources department you must think of the next things:

  1. Will this transformation make things easier and efficient for people who’re involved in the process or affected by it?
  2. Set up an outcome-oriented measurable goal. For example, you want to integrate a system that will increase the number of checked candidates per set period of time. 
  3. Make sure that your transformation goal crosses your business goal. For example, you want to decrease expenses per candidate while the hiring period. 

How to start HR digitalization for your company?

Now, when we have our goals – we can think of who is going to implement all your ideas. The team selection is a very important stage of any project.

Find the right team

 Let us be responsible for your successful transformation as it is very important to find the organization which will create a special product based on your needs and company goals. HR personalized system will allow you to deal with all the internal departments, meet all the employee’s needs, and let you manage people on a high level. Our client-focused teams will create a customized application that is easy to use and to manage and which is intuitive in its core usage. We’ll make sure that all your data is secure while using your new Human Resources system.

Define your needs

When you find the right team – you’ll need to explain what are your needs. We already took care of it and created an article for you to check on how to create proper requirements for the product you need. If you still need help building a proper application skeleton then check out here. Once this is done and you received your application – setup timeframes for it to check whether the integrated tool was successful or not.
As a result, you’ll have a long list of ideas which should raise up your human resources department. From our side we recommend setting up a priority for each item you’ll have on your list. This will help you to save time and money. In the first place, you should set the idea which will have the biggest effect on your business and, at the same time, will need the least time and effort from your team and on the developmentintegration side.

Check the accuracy of system work

After all this long way to digital transformation, it’s very important to track the results of your work. You and the C-suite need to check on all the implemented novations and to make a decision whether they were successful and helpful or not. As after all, in order for us to deal with all the issues and move forward – is to solve all of those problems using technologies.

Company culture

You could already notice that we quite often use the word ”team”. Employees are a very important part of the transformation as it doesn’t just touch the HR department but it touches the whole company: C-suite, general employees, and newcomers. This is why we should remember about the company’s culture.

Options of work processes digitalization

DT features

On each level of management level, people should have a set digital mindset. Only this way the transformation is going to be successful.
Let us introduce a few ideas which you can fulfill with us.

Working paperless
It’s not a secret that we all use Gmail, Microsoft, and other tools to decrease the usage of paper. Nevertheless, some companies are still using paper applications, benefit claims, and others. On the other side, we have different internal-departmental documents which spend hundreds of meters around the office until they get all the needed approvals. This steals your time and efforts. What we offer is to create and use the e-paper or e-applications system which will save your time, boost your efficiency and speed of decision making.
HR-free employees app or Self-service employees app
Every time when a company hires a new employee it takes at least a few days for the newcomer to settle down and to integrate himself into the company. During this period of time, this person will waste lots of HR working hours by asking questions, for different consultations, etc. Besides that – he will also distract other co-workers from their work for some assistance. To solve this issue we can develop the system which will help newcomers to understand all the new processes, show him around and will improve his, sometimes, ineffective work at the beginning.
This is one of the most favorite features of our employees today. During a long period of time, many researchers from different companies have proven that gamification of work improves employees’ efficiency. When we are talking about gamification we typically mean non-gamin context. What is meant is that by providing different kinds of rewards you can increase the KPI of your team. It can be done by setting up a competition between teammates using real-time leaderboards. Or you can just reward your employee for his efforts and contribution.
Automating manual stuff
Last but not least – automation. We should use all the possible tools to eliminate hours of manual work. This can be done by creating an internal tool that will send out different kinds of notifications, gather claims, and propositions from employees. HR won’t have to spend his time handling all these processes.


HR digital transformation successful stories

If you are still not sure whether you need HR digitization let us show you a few success stories from other companies you might know. 


Google is known for its tech innovations and a large number of projects. Yet, not all of them were successful. One of their projects was to collect data from interviews and to compare it with the data which they received after hiring the person. As you could already guess – this method didn’t bring any value for the HR team. Another thing which they eliminate – tests and the “brainteaser” questions which had no sense unless HR had candidates fresh out of school. On the other hand, they are now able to check the number of candidates needed for an exact position and the list of behavioral questions that could show the real face of the person in different situations.

Juniper Networks

This company from the silicon valley gathers information about a person’s career path. What they are doing is that they are checking from where did the candidate comes and, what is the most interesting, they are checking where did they live after quitting Juniper.
Such information gives them an understanding of things that can and have to be improved. 

Royal Dutch Shell

The company uses technologies to find genius people for their teams. To do that they are using the so-called GameChange. The point is that candidates who proposed some potential ideas have to play a couple of special video games. These games. The result is to search for people with the best ideas and critical mindset. 

You can also check for other stories in our latest article here

To conclude

Afterward, HR transformation is a thought and long process and it’s very important to find the right organization which will help you and your team to achieve all the goals.
Keep in mind a simple plan to get digitalized:

  • Set a goal and make sure it’s businesswise;
  • Set up a list of prioritized ideas;
  • Find the team which will fulfill all your ideas;
  • Keep track of transformation results;
  • Don’t forget about company culture.

If you use all of our advice above – be sure that soon you are going to be an owner of an HR transformed company. 


IBM is a great example of digitalization. This US company provided a digital learning platform that gives its employees a fully customized experience.
This process is not really fast and needs much effort to imply it successfully. HR digital transformation has 6 stages that should be considered:
1. Business as usual
2. Present and active
3. Formalized
4. Strategic
5. Converged
6. Innovative and adaptive

A crucial step is to set an accurate goal – why your company needs it and what problems can be solved with this solution.

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