Outstaffing 🤝      Top goals for your software development team

Top goals for your software development team

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It is not a secret that each software development project requires meticulous planning, accurate execution, and often the niche expertise of seasoned professionals. A well-organised and motivated team is the key ingredient for meeting your company’s software needs.

Consequently, businesses must exercise great care in selecting a team capable of accelerating development processes and upholding operational excellence.

However, achieving long-term success in software development often hinges on clearly defined team goals. In order to have a bigger picture, we will explore various goals and strategies for their achievement.

High quality

Ensuring high quality is a top priority for all software development teams. Releasing a subpar product can negatively impact user opinions and damage a software company’s reputation.

This commitment to quality must be maintained even when faced with tight schedules or pressure to launch quickly. Neglecting quality can lead to extensive post-release bug fixes and poor user feedback, ultimately hindering the product’s market success.

Continuous testing

Software testing should be integrated throughout the development process rather than confined to the final phase. Early and continuous testing offers several advantages:

  • Regular testing and code reviews identify issues sooner.
  • Errors found early are typically simpler to resolve.
  • Addressing problems promptly reduces overall debugging time.
  • Consistent testing helps prevent last-minute delays caused by accumulated errors.


Automatic code review tools can assist software developers and engineers. These tools enhance productivity by quickly identifying potential errors and issues. However, they complement rather than replace human expertise in the development process.

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Agile project management

Agile methodology positively impacts both project management and the delivery of high-quality software. Agile principles ensure that the project manager and each team member clearly understand the project from a business perspective and share responsibility for its success.

This collective dedication and responsibility helps maintain the high quality of the final product.

Project requirements

Software specifications are important for every project, but they are only the starting point for success. To achieve optimal results, your software development team must:

  • Fully understand the project’s business objectives in tiny details
  • Understand user expectations and needs
  • Go beyond simply meeting the stated requirements.


This can be achieved by:

Discovery workshop for software developers

It involves a thorough analysis of your project from both technical and business perspectives by a team of experts such as business analysts, software engineers, and the CTO.

The goal is to ensure all participants gain an in-depth understanding of the project and to create a unified vision that is documented.

This documentation should cover everything needed from start to finish, ensuring the development team knows what to do, how to do it, and why specific solutions, like a particular tech stack, were chosen.

High-level management

Managing software projects is challenging, but many high-quality tools can significantly ease this process. Effective management helps project leads and key stakeholders react to changes, motivate the team, and ensure the project meets user and customer requirements.

Learn how to build an effective software development team

On-time delivery

Timely project delivery is a must. While this may seem obvious, it’s often overlooked. When selecting a software development partner, prioritise their ability to meet deadlines. Failure to do so can lead to increased costs, as well as frustrated investors and customers. To avoid this, consider the following:

Project planning

Planning is the most important stage of the software development life cycle. Create a complex plan before starting the project. Although plans can be modified later, the quality of the initial plan significantly influences the project’s success or failure.

A well-prepared plan allows for efficient reaction to changes and effective monitoring of project timelines. This is especially important for long-term projects.

Current progress tracking

Ongoing monitoring of work progress helps prevent team burnout and clearly defines the project’s current stage. Ignoring this can lead to delays, as there are always situations where the project roadmap is forgotten, stalling further work.

Specialised tools can help create burndown charts or monitor the team’s work pace. An appropriate team structure is also important for a clear division of responsibilities and more accessible progress tracking.

Ongoing response to changes

Even with a meticulously prepared strategy, unexpected changes are inevitable. Quick response to changes is key.

Delayed decision-making in the face of changing circumstances leads to accumulated problems and project delays. Ensuring timely and proactive responses to changes is essential for keeping the project on track.

Tip for setting goals: make smart goals

Setting development goals for a software development team is a must for fostering growth and ensuring successful project outcomes. The SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) can help streamline this process. Here’s how to apply SMART to team development goals:

  • Specific: Goals should be clear and precise to avoid ambiguity. Instead of a vague goal like “improve team efficiency,” set a specific goal such as “reduce code review turnaround time by 20%.”
  • Measurable: Ensure that progress can be tracked and measured. For example, if the goal is to enhance code quality, track the number of bugs reported per release or the results of peer code reviews.
  • Achievable: Goals should be realistic and attainable. Instead of aiming to launch a new product within an unreasonably short timeframe, focus on regularly delivering incremental updates or features.
  • Relevant: Goals must align with the team’s broader objectives and the company’s mission. If the team aims to improve customer satisfaction, relevant goals might include reducing response times for customer-reported issues or improving the user interface based on feedback.
  • Time-bound: Set deadlines to maintain focus and urgency. For example, commit to implementing automated testing within the next three months or completing a major feature rollout by the end of the quarter.


A software development team can set clear, actionable goals that drive progress and contribute to overall success by applying the SMART framework.

Wonder how to organize work with a dedicated development team? Read more.

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The final words

Setting specific goals in these areas can lead to a rewarding and successful journey for a software development team. Whether mastering a new technology stack, leading project teams, or enhancing the quality of deliverables, having clear objectives helps the team focus and achieve growth.

Remember, a successful software development team continuously learns, improves processes, and advances its capabilities. So, set your goals collaboratively and begin making strides in your team’s professional journey today!

How we can help you?

At Altamira, we provide dedicated development teams tailored to meet diverse needs. Whether you need to validate and structure ideas, conduct thorough code reviews, develop web and mobile apps from inception, or launch a unique digital product with minimal initial investment to test its market viability, we’re here to support you.

Our key offerings include:

  • Expertise tailored to your specific requirements
  • Optimised resource allocation
  • A project-focused methodology
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Access to a vast pool of top-tier tech talent


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