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Future Programming Languages 2025: 10 Best Coding Languages

Software Development 💻


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If you need a short answer to the question of what programming language will run the show in 2025, there are three of them: Python, C++, and Java. The expanded version of this answer is more complex.

While these three programming languages have become the most popular for quite some time already, there is more nuance to them. For example, niche cases of Android app development or web development might require developers to use either derivatives of the “big three” or languages that complete tasks more efficiently.

Why does the programming language landscape change so slowly?

Despite the high rates of tech development, the adoption of new programming languages in business is rather a conservative process. Professional software development companies focused on the B2B market tend to stick to the proven technology stacks. There are two reasons for that: it’s cheaper to adapt and can run on any platform among their customers.

Therefore, Java’s motto, “Write once, run anywhere,” completely explains why it’s a popular programming language. Java has been one of the most popular platforms since the early 2000s and will not go anywhere anytime soon. However, with the recent surge in AI development and transition to cloud computing software development, some languages might step down in favour of new programming languages.

A good example comes from Android app development.

Java or Kotlin?

Java is still the #1 Android app development language, significantly boosting its popularity. But since 2017, it has had a competitor — Kotlin. When it only appeared in 2011, no one could have predicted it would become the second official programming language for Android development in just six years! 

Kotlin undoubtedly has its advantages and is designed to replace Java eventually. This Java-based language allows companies to gradually migrate to Kotlin without interfering with the development process.

On the other hand, young entrepreneurs who are inclined toward B2C and web development opt for JavaScript over other programming languages. These entrepreneurs are driven by profitability and flexibility and adhere to general trends. In fact, it is easier to replace a JavaScript specialist than to hire new web developers with a less common Clojure skill.

SQL Win-Win Situation

Although SQL is not a multi-purpose language, it is consistently one of the top ten programming languages with high demand across the market. SQL’s main function is managing data, and as long as users generate new information, we will surely see its use as one of the top programming languages in 2025.

Here are the top 10 programming languages by popularity according to the Stack Overflow developer survey

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Why so – you may ask?

Understanding the factors behind trends and popularity is necessary to make assumptions about 2025. Two key factors for programming languages are paradigm shift and area of application. A paradigm shift doesn’t happen often, which is why there have been little to no changes in the language popularity list over the years. The second factor is more chaotic in this regard.

Although many programming languages are designed to be multifunctional, their field of application greatly determines their popularity. This is where corporations join the game and put their money on the table.

This factor affects the demand for certain specialists and their salaries. After all, demand creates its own supply, whether for skills or goods. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence development have been a good example. The high demand for efficient data science tools pushed Python to be fairly popular in the language.

And again, sometimes it’s easier to create a new programming language (e.g., Go and Rust) than to adapt to the existing one. However, the industry is experiencing a strong proliferation of young but still popular languages, and the number of new languages is growing each year.

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Popular Coding Languages of 2025


Being the most used programming language in the world, it takes a special place in web development. Almost everything you see on the internet nowadays is written with assistance. The two reasons for its popularity in web development are:

Large ecosystem: over the years, the community developed numerous frameworks and libraries for JavaScript. Great community support allows coders to speed up the development process and add new functionality.

Supports multiple paradigms: JavaScript is what’s known as a multi-paradigm language. This means it can support both functional and object-oriented programming.


Python is the preferred language among data science engineers and developers interested in artificial intelligence development. Its simplicity and versatility are the main strong sides, but much of it comes from the rich community support.

This language easily integrates with data structures, offers unique algorithms beyond standard programming, and allows developers to expand their knowledge with libraries and tools such as NumPy, Pandas, Scikit, AIMA, etc. It also offers:

Data manipulation and analysis: Python’s handling of large datasets and data analysis tools are the main reasons for its popularity in data science, machine learning, and scientific computing. Additionally, its straightforward syntax makes it easy to understand and use.

Rapid prototyping: Another benefit of being a high-level programming language is the rapid development process. This makes Python a go-to programming language for anyone interested in developing an MVP or creating a prototype.


While SQL (Structured Query Language) is technically not a traditional programming language, it still has considerable power in the tech industry. While most languages are what developers call the “general-purpose programming language,” SQL is a specialised language for managing databases. Two reasons behind its popularity are:

Structure management: SQL gives developers many options for managing their data. They can change the database’s structure, create additional tables or lists, alter the data to meet the project’s needs and enforce rules and restrictions to maintain data integrity.

Standardisation: SQL is internationally recognised as a standard for relational databases. It can be modified depending on the internal organisation’s preferences, but it still allows for high portability from one database to another.


TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript. Think of it as additional functionality to keep up with modern web development standards. It adds structure and predictability to JavaScript, which makes it a must for any large web development project. Let’s cover what it brings to web developers:

Static typing: JavaScript often relies on the context to determine the type of data the developer needs. TypeScript mitigates this guessing game by allowing the developer to clearly state which type of data he needs and what he intends to do with it.

Improved developer experience: TypeScript has an in-build early error detection system, preventing many bugs from reaching the release version. Additionally, TypeScript can work with modern code editors, making the developer’s life so much easier.


Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is another outliner from the traditional programming languages since it’s a way for the developers to interact with the operating systems. It’s mostly used for creating scripts and performing system management tasks, which is really helpful for any system administrator or developer. The main advantages of Bash are:

Process control: Bash excels at process management and job control. Developers can run commands in the background and pause them at any time. This feature is especially useful for processes that depend on the progress of other tasks. 

Security: Since it works directly with operating systems, Bash has a set of tools to ensure memory safety. For example, It has tools to create user permissions and access control, making executing some scripts or commands impossible without proper authorisation.


Java is the most well-known object-oriented programming language. It’s a go-to option for developers who want to create a project that can run on any platform, regardless of its operating system.

An object-oriented language that differs in a thoughtful approach to exception handling, the availability of tools for developing multi-threaded applications, and support for arrays, lists, and structures.  Java is considered one of the most stable programming languages since it has been refined for almost 30 years. It also comes with the benefits:

Multithreading: This fancy word that means programs written in Java can perform multiple tasks at the same time, which is highly valuable for programs that rely on efficiency.

Easy to scale: Developers widely use Java to create web applications or large systems that rely on operational efficiency, such as financial or distribution systems.

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Being Microsoft’s own take on the traditional C language, C# programs can run on many different devices, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) or the cloud. Its versatility allows developers to tackle tasks ranging from machine learning to game development.


One of the fastest compilation languages globally, C++ allows you to implement highly complex logic without sacrificing performance. It suits apps with high-speed animation and immediate user interaction with the rendering engine.


C is one of the oldest programming languages, but it remains a popular choice among developers. Although it is considered a lower-level language compared to modern ones, this has its own pros and cons. For example, C is harder to master compared to Java or C#, but at the same time it gives the following:

Low-level access: C can directly manipulate operating systems’ memory, making it ideal for writing device drivers or programs requiring full device control.

Direct interactions with hardware: Instead of relying on third-party software as a middleman between the program and the hardware, developers can code interactions with physical devices directly.


PHP is a scripting language that is mainly used for web development. It’s easy to learn and supported by almost every hosting provider. But that’s not all:

Database integration: PHP is ideal for data-driven web applications. It can seamlessly integrate with databases, making interactions between software and the database quick and effortless.

Rapid development cycle: Another praiseworthy aspect of PHP is how quickly its projects can go from idea to deployment.

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Upcoming popular programming languages that might see more use in 2025


Rust is the second most beloved language among developers. Mozilla Firefox launched in 2014 and is still among the most adored software and web development languages.


Since Google was created in 2009, Go has been continuously discussed in the community since 2016. It is simple, easy to study and focused on concise and standardized notation. Go is expected to become a new trend in the upcoming year. After all, everything Google makes is trendy.


A basic programming language used for the development of iOS apps. It almost completely replaced previously used Objective-C language. Swift will stay the most demanding programming language as long as Apple is trendy.

Moreover, it’s an open-source project, so a huge community of programmers works on daily enhancements.


Scala is an object-oriented language with many features from functional programming languages, which has allowed It to become the most popular JVM scripting language.


Although Clojure is a dialect of the general-purpose Lisp language, it tends toward functional programming. It integrates with Java and is interoperable with the .NET ecosystem.


It is another child of a big IT company. 90% of Facebook’s code is on Hack. While it is a dialect of PHP, the Hack may become a second wind for PHP development.


While Perl is a relatively old language, it was previously known as “the duct tape of the web.” Nevertheless, its versatility makes it a “dark horse” of programming. Some even predict it will become a new trend in scripting for CGI, graphic programming, or administration.

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Good to know

Technologies do not stand still, and there is a need for updates. As 2019 has passed, new web programming trends are emerging. Specifically, two JS frameworks—React and AngularJS—are becoming stronger every day. Both pose many cool features, which we briefly described in this blog post.


What are the programming languages?

A coding language is a way for humans to communicate with machines and instruct them to perform specific tasks. Although they have the same end goal, different languages excel at specific tasks due to how they were created.

According to the Stack Overflow developer survey, around 30% of professional developers use Java, which ranks it among the top 10 programming languages. Java’s popularity is mainly due to its strong community support and rich standard library.

What are the best programming languages for mobile app development?

There are two main choices for Android development: Java and Kotlin.

Kotlin is a language based on Java that is specifically used to create mobile apps. It expands on Java’s features and optimises them even further for performance-critical applications developed for phones.

Java is the most obvious choice that everybody uses. The main strong sides of it are the rich built-in features that help with the phone’s performance and that Java is a cross-platform programming language. Additionally, it allows embedded systems.

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