Software Development 💻      How to Develop Audio Recorder Application

How to Develop Audio Recorder Application

Software Development 💻


How to Develop Audio Recorder Application

Times, when people used additional devices to record voices, are way past. Now all you need to do is to download any app you want to your smartphone and record the necessary information. You may think that the audio recorder applications are useful for people who work in journalistic areas but it is a wrong view. Voice recorder solutions are widely used in different business industries to record important conferences, meetings, and other work calls. Some of the records are kept in storage in case of need and some of them are recorded to transcribe. 

Today around 31% of functioning journalists use their iPhones to record the interviews despite special recording devices.

Besides business, this type of apps is popular in education to record lectures, for musicians to record music sessions, for writers to record their ideas and thoughts, or just for your own needs to not forget the essential info.

Usually, audio recording apps are free to download and provide basic functions. However, if you want to have advanced features like taking notes, play reverse, or faster forward, you will be asked to buy a monthly subscription.

In this article, we would like to show the brightest and most popular voice recorder applications on the marketplaces. We also described the basic functionality of this type of solution and provided useful tips on how to develop your own audio recorder app. 

Common features for interview app

Voice recorder applications have similar ranges of basic features. Some of them can record only audio, some provide the function of video recording too. Interview apps are useful not only for journalists or other people who work in the media industry. They can be applied in any business sphere during conferences, round tables, online and offline meetings, etc. The best way to make the records accessible and safe is to keep them in cloud storage. We would like to count the main features that each interview app has:

  1. Recording – the app should record any audio in high quality; it can be face to face interview, offline or online conference, business or work meetings, etc; the duration of recordings can be various, so the app has to provide the function of long-lasting record with no limitations. 
  2. iCloud synchronization – storage sync provides the recordings accessibility from different devices and locations; you also can easily share the records with other users and be sure that records won’t be lost.
  3. Video recording – this is an advanced feature that is actually due to the pandemic; today most meetings are held online, and the video recording feature provides the ability to record video along with the audio.
  4. User profile – you can save and delete any records on your personal account; some apps provide a team account for more than one user.
  5. Text transcription – some interview apps convert the audio tracks into the text; this feature is complex in realization as audio contains different voices, languages, intonations, etc.
  6. TypeTag – it is a kind of notes during the recording to get the most vital information quickly; there is no need to listen to the whole track once again, as a user can transcribe the interview thanks to typetags.

Popular audio recorder apps

Audio recorder application is used not only for journalist interviews but for education, business, scientific conferences, and other types of meetings. We would like to bring the most popular audio and video recording apps on the modern marketplaces to your attention.

Dolby On

dolby on

Dolby On is considered to be a new free audio recorder application. It is suitable for recording voice interviews and many other sounds highly qualified. App also offers a range of filters that can be applied during the specific recordings; it usually depends on the number of people speaking, sizes of rooms, and availability of outsider noises. Dolby On contains an audio editor to cut, replace or delete the parts of the track. 

Easy Voice Recorder

easy voice recorder

Easy Voice Recorder is an audio recorder app with basic functionality. It is easy to use – a user opens an app, taps the record button, and shares the track in case of need. The app supports different types of files that the user has to set before the recording. Easy Voice Recorder provides an advanced paid plan that contains more useful features like Bluetooth mich connection, stereo records, absence of ads, and others.

Google Voice

google voice

Google Voice is supported by popular operating systems – iOS, Android, and Windows. Each user creates a new Google Voice number that is available as a simple phone number. To record an audio call, users have to press the button “4” and the record starts. The app can be used for private conversations as well as for work meetings. 



TapeACall is considered to be one of the most popular worldwide recorder apps. Along with common features, it provides several advanced functions. They are available on the condition of paid subscriptions. It can be useful for private calls as well as for interviews and business meetings to record important information. To get the full package of advanced features, users have to pay $9.99 for a paid subscription. It offers a wide range of features like:

  • call recording pf any quantity and length;
  • sharing files to other devices, SMS, email, and social media;
  • notifications about recording
  • downloading the records



Interviewy is an iOS-based interview app that provides a specific set of functions. Along with the recording functions, it offers the feature of TypeTag – the ability to take notes during the record to mark the vital parts of the track. It fastens the process of transcribing and converting interviews into the text as you can listen to the most essential parts of the audio to create the entire picture. All records are sent to cloud storage and are accessible at any time and anywhere. Interviewy records highly qualified audio despite the place and number of speakers.



iTalk is a common audio recording application that allows sharing the track to SoundCloud. The free version has basic functionality, so if you want to get advanced features, you have to buy a subscription. One of these functions is to speed up or slow down the track, listen in reverse, and others. The app is suitable for simple records with no noise interruptions like interviews, educational lectures, etc. It also provides the function of making noted during the recording to emphasize the key point of the track. The audio tracks can no be shared via email and social media, that is the main disadvantage of the application.

Interview app development stages

The app development process includes seven main stages. Its duration, the number of specialists involve and price depends on the range of functions the application should provide. 

Audio recorder app has an essential and basic set of features:

  • user profile
  • tape recorder
  • typetags
  • cloud sync

For developing a custom interview application, you need to find a reliable team of developers. The market is full of various software development companies but you should check properly. The team you are going to hire should have vast experience in app development, offer a portfolio with customers` feedbacks, provide clear documentation. Among the professionals you will need:

  • Business Analyst – an expert that makes s deep research on the market to find similar competitor apps and define the common functionality; BA also discusses all goals and pitfalls of the project, and build the strategy of reaching a successful final result.
  • Scrum master – this specialist is responsible for constant communication between clients and developers, inform customers about each stage of development and the latest updates.
  • iOSAndroid  – DevOps that are responsible for writing clean code to perform all required functions
  • Designer – makes your application interface recognizable, attractive, and user-friendly
  • QA engineer – tests the ready solution to reveal errors in the work to fix them before the release phase
  • Maintenance team – apps need updates and changes constantly, hiring a maintenance team releases you from additional tasks and nerves.
Software Development Life Cycle
We recommend you to have a look at our blog post about the Software Development Life Cycle to find out detailed information about development steps and what models of development exist.

Each specialist is responsible for particular tasks in your project that depend on one another. Thus, we approached the steps of the software development life cycle.

Building a plan
This is an initial stage that defines further development progress. Along with the Business Analyst, you will discuss the main objective of the app, its basic functionality, built-in features. Due to the defined aims, your project can be accurately estimated and divided into tasks for developers. 
Design creation
App design is what initially attracts potential users. It should be simple, convenient. user-friendly but creative and modern. This development stage provides the opportunity to see the prototype of your future app and decide whether this design suits you or not. 
This stage implies writing code by developers according to the set requirements. All functions are converted into the software and compile the application’s final view.
Testing is an essential stage of the software development life cycle. QA engineers provide various tests for your application to track its work during the overload and reveal bugs and errors. Testing helps to avoid low feedback from first users and makes the app more qualified. This is the last phase before the application release.
As all development steps are performed, the last one is to submit your audio recorder application to marketplaces – App Store and Google Play. There are specific policies and sets of rules that should be followed to submit your app. Thanks to your team help, this process will be easy and quick as experienced teams of developers consider all these rules while building the app.


As the app is available on the marketplaces, it requires constant support. You should think of hiring a maintenance team to keep your app up to date, provide updates, and fix bugs considering the users` feedbacks. Our team provides three different maintenance offers with various ranges of services:

  • Basic for $1740 per month;
  • Optimal for $3232 per month;
  • Advanced for $14440 per month.

All in all, the duration and final cost of the audio recorder application depends directly on the functionality the app will contain. Due to our MVP estimation made by the head of mobile app development department, the duration of the voice recorder app development takes around 1 month. The rough cost of an iOS-based audio recorder application with the basic functions will be $4500.


The choice of audio recorder application is vast. Among the most popular we would like to mark TapeACall, Easy Voice Recorder, iTalk, and many others. All of them have the basic functionality of the tape recorder and can be synched with storage like iCloud, Google Drive, etc.
To record the conversation legally, you have to inform the other person or group of people about recording. It also depends on the local law. Some states demand consent from one party, another required consent for each participant.
Besides the audio is recorded with your smartphone, it still can have a high-quality studio sound. Most applications provide highly qualified records. However, there are several tips on how to make your records professional:

  • get a silent zone;
  • put the mic in the right position;
  • do the soundcheck and several tries before the record.

The development of voice recorder application is not complicated and long-lasting. The building of app with basic functionality like a tape recorder, user profile, and cloud sync, costs approximately $4500. The final sum depends on the range of functions you want to have in the solution.

To end up

Audio recorder apps are simple in development but still keep a high level of popularity and in demand in various areas like business, education, healthcare, etc. As you may notice in the examples we described above, the voice recorder apps` functionality is common and similar. If you have an idea of developing and release an audio recorder app, you should think of the advanced built-in features and creative design. We are ready to help you with each stage of the development of your solution and successfully deploy it to modern marketplaces.

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