Outstaffing 🤝      Outsourcing Software Development: Ukraine vs Poland

Outsourcing Software Development: Ukraine vs Poland

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Top 10 Nearshore Outsourcing Companies in Ukraine
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Following the recent statistics, the European technical talent pool is rapidly growing and is willing to reach more than 1 million developers. Ukraine and Poland are supposed to be two of the largest centers where all these developers reside.

If the Polish software development market only begins to grow and develop, then Ukrainian software companies are recognized as the top all over the world. There are numerous well-known brands that trusted the development of their solution to the Ukrainian outsourcing developers at a time when these large businesses were just startups. Among them, we would like to mention Grammarly, Gitlab, and others. 

In this article, we are going to provide a general overview of the two biggest IT markets in Europe: Ukraine and Poland. We’ll make a comparison of both of them and see which option is justified.

IT outsourcing in Poland

The software development market in Poland is at its prime now. Today, the number of Polish outsourcing companies counts about 50000, however, only 800 provide custom software development services. The IT industry in Poland is only entering the worldwide market and its rapid growth is caused by the high demand for IT outsourcing services in Poland.

Poland is not the largest country in Europe but it has the strongest and the most stable economy. Its population equals more than 38M where a huge part is immigrants and people who moved to Poland for earnings. A stable economy is one of the main beneficial conditions for outsourcing as customers can calmly invest their money in the Polish software development market and be sure they will get the expected outcome. The timezone in Poland is also quite convenient as it differs in 5-6 hours from the U.S. largest cities and 1-2 hours as compared to other European countries.
Tech education
The profession of a software engineer is also in high demand among Polish students. There are about 18 universities located in Poland that yearly graduate more than 74000 technical specialists. Technical private schools are also in demand as they accept people of all ages, not only the youth. Therefore, Polish businessmen are willing to invest their money in software development companies as this area shows great potential in the worldwide IT market.
Tech talent pool
The Polish software development market does not concede the Ukrainian one in the number of developers. The approximate number of outsourcing developers in Poland reaches about 300000. Most of them reside in the largest cities of the country among which are Warsaw ( the capital) and Krakow. However, the IT market in Poland has another focus as the developers do not combine into software companies. They mostly work independently in the Global Business Services and the other part in the local software development companies. It means that the number of software companies that offer custom solution development is much lower than in Ukraine.
English knowledge
Generally, Polish people all speak English proficiently. Poland has taken the 16th position in the global ranking by English skills among countries where English is not an official language. Anyway, software developers must be proficient in English as they directly communicate with clients who commonly use English as their primary language. The level of English skills influences the experience the clients get from partnering with the company a lot, so some business owners integrate the working process with English courses to support the high level of English language among their employees.
Trending technologies
We would like to note the most demanding programming languages among Polish software companies. Among them are Javascript, Java, Python, PHP, and .NET. That is a pretty common tendency in all European Eatsrern outsourcing companies.
In-house vs outsource software development
You might also be interested in the comparison of in-house and outscoring software development teams. Keep reading by the link.

IT outsourcing market in Ukraine

Currently, Ukraine is becoming one of the largest software development centers in Europe. The number of outsourcing development companies in Ukraine has already reached 5000 and continues to rise. The companies are mostly located in the biggest Ukrainian cities: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Lviv, and Dnipro. 

Ukraine is geographically the biggest country in Europe with a quite fortunate location. Ukraine offers great flight connections with other European countries. It takes several hours to reach any big city by plane in Ukraine. Additionally, the Ukrainian government doesn’t require visas or special permissions for particular European countries, Canada, and the U.S. Of course, the residence is limited by 90 days which is quite enough for meetings with the team if you outsource the solution development to Ukraine.
Tech education
The number of students that are willing to learn software engineering in universities or private schools is really huge. Extensive advertising of software skills learning courses can be noticed everywhere as this profession is in high demand these days. The reason for that is stability, constancy, and high payrolls as this area bore minimal losses, compared to other business industries that had no opportunity to work remotely and were forced to close down their companies because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Companies that outsourced to Ukraine
The Ukrainian IT market is the motherland of a huge number of startups that are gaining momentum all over the world and becoming large businesses as a result. Among them, we would definitely highlight People.ai, Gitlab, Grammarly, Readdle, Jooble that were not just Ukrainian startups but were also developed by Ukrainian developers. Now they are recognized and widely used in many countries all over the world.
English knowledge
English is one of the obligatory requirements for all software engineers who apply for a new job position. Ukrainian outsource developers are mostly proficient in English as their routine tasks include communication with clients, writing documentation, and so on. Moreover, some Ukrainian software companies are willing to improve the English level of their employees and integrate internal English courses on a regular basis.
Trending technologies
Talking about domain technical expertise: Ukrainian outsource developers are proficient with the latest trendy programming languages and frameworks. JavaScript is considered to be the most widespread coding language. Additionally, programming languages like Java, C#, PHP, Python, C++, and others should be mentioned. Ukrainian software companies feel no shortage of the required specialists as developers are constantly learning new programming languages themselves. Due to a large number of educational establishments, it is not a complex task, all they need is a strong desire to dedicate their time to learning.

Benefits of choosing Ukraine

All the features of outsourcing in Ukraine we counted above actually create the complete picture of the Ukrainian IT market and reveal its benefits. Along with the most reasonable rates and strong talent pool, Ukrainian outsourcing companies offer deep technical and functional expertise. They consider all the latest tech trends with no exception and adopt these technologies in order to be able to use them for building new solutions. Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, telehealth, IoT, the Internet of Everything (IoE), and many other demanding technologies are becoming common things for Ukrainian developers. 

Furthermore, Ukrainian software companies are the technical partners for companies and organizations of diverse industries among which are healthcare (which is being digitally transformed right now), finances, trading, retail, manufacturing, social network, and so on. 

And the last thing we would like to note is the quality of software products Ukrainian outsourcing developers build. Most Ukrainian software companies care a lot about customer satisfaction as their business growth actually depends on it. So Ukrainian outsourcing specialists create top-notch software solutions while taking full responsibility. 

Companies that outsourced to Ukraine
Have a look at the compilation of the top famous companies that entrusted their software development to outsourcing developers in our blog post by the following link.

Polish IT outsourcing vs. Ukrainian IT outsourcing

Taking everything into account, we would like to finally compare which one deserves to be chosen – the Ukrainian or the Polish outsourcing market. These criteria are not official but they perfectly illustrate the state of outsourcing services in Ukraine and Poland in order to lighten your choice. 

Biggest IT clusters 

As you may already know, Ukrainian developers and Polish developers unite in a kind of IT community that is commonly named IT clusters. A single IT cluster usually gathers the software development companies located within one city. It is a great opportunity to share experience, knowledge, conduct workshops and other kinds of meetings. Such communities provide a great opportunity to learn the worldwide software market better in order to offer customers more innovative services; to start new corporations and contribute to the particular software market, and so on. 

Talking about Ukrainian IT communities, it counts about 20 active IT clusters from the largest cities to the small regions. 

Polish IT hubs are mostly concentrated in the biggest cities of the country which are Warsaw, Krakow, and Wroclaw. 

Number of software development companies 

The Ukrainian IT market is actively growing and developing. The Ukrainian outsourcing companies are working tirelessly on improving their services and policies. Now there are more than 5000 software companies in Ukraine to which worldwide companies entrust outsource development. The growing number of software development companies in Ukraine clearly illustrates that outsourcing services are in high demand in diverse industries.

If we speak about the Polish market, the number of software development companies is much lower as it equals 3000 and the Polish IT market is supposed to be young compared to the Ukrainian. Moreover, Polish developers mostly work at foreign companies as developers and only some Polish software companies produce custom solution development.

Tech talent pool number

The Ukrainian IT community reaches more than 200000 highly skilled developers. The average rate among Ukrainian outsourcing specialists starts from $35 per working hour. For comparison, the rate in other European countries, particularly Poland, the price range begins from $40-$50 and even more.

Talking about the Polish software development companies, the hourly rates start from $43-45 and can go up to $65. Consequently, the Polish development rates are well above the Ukrainian ones, however, the Ukrainian development companies have been providing high-quality IT outsourcing services. 

According to our research, the outsourcing rates among Polish software development companies range between $20 and $75 per hour. If you choose one of the outsourcing companies in Poland, the average minimum software development rate will be $43 while the maximum average will be $65.

R&D companies

Besides custom software development, Ukrainian outsourcing companies are trusted to conduct R&D for the business companies famous all over the world. The development centers are mostly located in the largest Ukrainian cities. Among the companies that hold the R&D departments, we would like to mention Altamira, Softserve, Epam, and others.

R&D is inevitable in any industry as it helps to analyze the current state of the workflows and research the competitors in order to stay in business and implement innovations. The number of Ukrainian R&D centers is equal to 110 and they cooperated with such worldwide companies as Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung, Boeing, and many others. Poland’s software market counts about 400 R&D centers that conduct research for such brands as Google, Shell, IBM, and others.


The Ukrainian tech talent pool is surely vast and counts more than 200k developers that eventually make about 5000 software development companies. Among the reliable and trusted software development providers, we would like to mention:

Ukrainian software development companies became R&D centers for many worldwide businesses among which are Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung, Boeing, and a lot of others. This actually demonstrates the demand for Ukrainian outsourcing in different points of the world.

All in all

In conclusion, the Ukrainian and Polish outsourcing companies are in demand among many countries all over the world. Both of them offer high-grade services at the most reasonable prices. However, the Ukrainian IT market is considered to be more mature which means more experienced and wider. Of course, we cannot speak for every Ukrainian software development company

At Altamira, we provide the Ukrainian outsourcing teams to deliver the services of the highest quality and constantly work on their improvements. we fully focus on our customers` needs and are ready to adjust the conditions to provide excellent and fruitful cooperation. Our outsourcing developers ensure the delivery of high-grade software solutions that 100% match your requirements and expectations. We are responsible for our services and guarantee you a pleasant experience while developing software with Altamira.

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