Web Development 🌐      B2B Web Design Best Practices

B2B Web Design Best Practices

Web Development 🌐


B2B industry is known to be much more complicated than B2C. The difficulties often hide in the services or products that B2B market requires. They are generally more complex, demanding in performance and more expensive. Therefore, the business processes in this segment differ from those in B2C, including sales, marketing, and promotion. The main goal of thoughtful Business to Business (B2B) Company is not just to profit short-term, but to build a long-lasting and efficient partnership.

It doesn’t matter if you are willing to find new partners or to strengthen the existing business relations, professional website must be a part of your strategy. Though it might be obvious, building a custom web platform with engaging UX increases the number of leads and sales.

So, here comes the question: how to build a B2B website and not to screw it up?

B2B Web Development and Design Tips

When you are planning to get a business website developed by the professional team, be ready to assist with some questions. The truth is no matter how perfect your website is, the main values on it are your products and services. Means we can only create a website based on the information you supply us with. Still, the feel of products must be consistent between the website and in real life. Keeping facade and your core values in balance is the key to success.

Below you’ll find the tips and advice on how to build B2B website strategy.

Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your clients and their needs is the basic element of business strategy. The first step is creating the correct and informative portrait of your client. Generally, there are several types of potential clients who can be interested in your product or service, so you have to classify them individually. Even if different audiences need the same product, the marketing approach to them should differ.

When starting a partnership with the web development company, make sure that the team understands your goals and target audience. This information is required to create specifications, where all the functionality of the website is described. Later, when it comes to design part, knowing the customer’s portrait is the starting point for UX designer who prepares the wireframes and the design as a whole.

B2B website design is effective when it creates a seamless and unique user experience for each visitor. It must correspond to the needs and concerns of the potential clients. Design elements have to appeal to users and slightly push them to certain actions. Moreover, each element should match the brand identity and the tone of voice of your company.

How it works:

  1. You determine the target audience of your business.
  2. You share this information with our team.
  3. We create a website design that fully corresponds to your client’s needs and achieves your business goals.

High-Quality User Experience

Effective interface design is not only visually attractive, it is also meant to increase the number of leads and sales. We are well aware of how important it is for B2B website to offer the comprehensible navigation, clean and well-thought design.

The most common mistakes that occur on websites are:

  • Poor navigation.
  • Messed design.
  • Unnecessary UI elements.
  • No optimization for mobile devices.

Keep in mind that a proper approach to the design and development will consistently increase the number of leads and sales the website generates.

How we do it:

  1. Responsive design is a must.
  2. Optimized size for a fast load on mobile devices.
  3. Quality Assurance as a must for each project we complete.

Ux for b2b website

Customer Service

Communication is very important for any kind of business so make sure your website allows users to easily contact you. Consider adding call-to-action buttons, simple contact forms or engaging live chats. Try to avoid forms with multiple obligatory fields, insert only those fields the would be enough to contact your leads later.

Make sure that contact fields are easy to find. You can even pin the contact button so it’s always available. Consider providing your visitors with all resources and information they are possibly looking for. Share your story to stay closer to your potential audience.

How to do it:

  1. Tell your story.
  2. Add contact form, live chat and all the contact information available.
  3. Don’t overestimate with forms.

Build Trust and Credibility

As we mentioned above, B2B segment is about building long-lasting partnership, which is impossible without mutual trust and credibility. Proper web design can show your reputation and attract relevant leads that can turn into clients and partners.

But how to show the reputation of your business online? The most common and effective methods are providing the information about your team, share the real photos and a few words about each person. Add the real testimonials from your previous clients or add the links on review platforms. Don’t hesitate to share some daily life in your social networks and integrate them into your website. People trust brands who show their backstage life. You can also start a blog on your website and share your experience and knowledge with potential customers. That is good both for SEO reasons and allows you to demonstrate your expertise. Balancing these methods will ensure users about your credibility and increase the conversions.

General tips:

  1. Introduce your team.
  2. Add testimonials and reviews.
  3. Integrate your social media accounts.
  4. Start a blog to share your expertise.


Website is the face of your company online. For many businesses, it’s the first point of contact with potential clients. And you have only one chance to make a good first impression. Consider following all the mentioned steps to meet your client’s expectations.

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