AI-powered solution for children’s academic success empowerment Elula

Revolutionary empowerment tool for neuropsychological assessments and child’s academic success.

About Elula

Elula is a US-based technology company committed to transforming the education system. They empower children to cultivate their confidence, skills and joy of learning. Elula provides advanced solutions that improve academic performance and unite kids and their parents helping to overcome barriers they face while learning.

Our Expertise

Web Development

Mobile Development

Artificial Intelligence








Key results

  • Technologies: React; NodeJS; LAMA model

See what Altamira can do for you


The Challenge

Traditionally, obtaining a neuropsychological evaluation for a child requires an in-person visit, often entailing long waits for appointments and the results. This process imposed unnecessary stress on children and delayed the implementation of required interventions. The need for a more efficient method was evident, so the Client sought a tech partner to handle the custom build, which required a lot of nuances due to the highly regulated education industry. The Client’s initial requirements included the following:

  • Develop a Proof of Concept to demonstrate the viability of a digital neuropsychological assessment tool.
  • Implement a subscription model to ensure a sustainable revenue stream.
  • Promote awareness by educating students and families about the tool, which aims to improve the experience of managing educational challenges.
  • Increase accessibility by making executive tutoring and coaching more available than traditional methods typically offered in a therapist’s office.

During our journey, Altamira team faced several challenges, each requiring strategic planning and unique solutions.

Accuracy and motivation

Achieving accurate and motivating test results without crossing into a medical diagnosis was a complex challenge. Through iterative prompt-engineering and collaboration with experts, we fine-tuned our AI’s responses to strike a balance between being informative, encouraging, and empathetic.

Regulatory and compliance

Adhering to regulatory requirements and compliance standards was important for our platform’s success. We implemented strict security measures and data privacy protocols to comply with relevant laws and regulations. Our collaboration with legal and compliance experts supported this effort, ensuring our platform met all necessary standards while maintaining a smooth user experience.

Security and data privacy

We employed advanced encryption, secure data storage solutions, and rigorous access controls to safeguard sensitive information. Our commitment to data privacy extended beyond compliance, embedding privacy by design principles into our development process.


The Solution

In response to the need for accessible neuropsychological assessments, Altamira introduced a transformative solution that reimagines the traditional approach to diagnosing and monitoring cognitive, mood, and personality disorders in children. Our project offers an efficient and stress-free alternative to the conventional, labour-intensive process of neuropsychological testing.

The AI-powered solution, named Uluru, aims to simplify and expedite the diagnostic process, making it more accessible and less stressful for both children and their parents.

The implementation process involved several phases needed to develop a high-performing, user-friendly, and compliant platform, covering:

  • Discovery stage
  • Web development of the MVP
  • Mobile development of the MVP
  • AI features integration
  • Maintenance and continuous improvement

Core features

Neuropsych testing

Using AI and advanced analytics, our platform conducts assessments quickly and impartially to identify cognitive dysfunctions while enabling continuous monitoring of changes in cognitive abilities.


Based on the test outcomes, personalised recommendations are generated to improve executive functions necessary for learning, working, and daily life management.

Learning strategies

Our platform offers learning techniques to assist students in tackling various tasks, thereby optimising their educational outcomes.

Integrations with LLMS

Initially compatible with Google Classrooms, our roadmap includes integration with other major LMS platforms such as Schoology, Blackbaud, Black Board, Infinite Campus, and Canvas.

Parent dashboard

The interface provides parents with insights into their child’s progress and offers access to coaching suggestions. 

Use cases

Practical applications of our platform in various user scenarios include the following.

Profile creation and subscription management

Users easily create profiles for parents and students and manage subscription to the services, ensuring a personalised and secure user experience right from the start.

Neuropsychological assessment and recommendations

Users complete the neuropsychological assessment to uncover cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Results and tailored recommendations are promptly provided to help guide educational strategies.

Assignment customisation

Educators have the flexibility to manually add assignments, allowing for bespoke educational content that meets the unique needs of each class or student.

Integration with learning management systems

The platform is linked with numerous Learning Management Systems like Google Classroom to automatically synchronise assignments, ensuring consistency and ease of access across platforms.

Assignment completion

Students complete assignments directly within the system, which is designed to promote an organised and focused learning environment.

Real-time coaching suggestions

As students work on assignments, they receive real-time coaching suggestions. This feature supports the learning process by providing immediate assistance and encouragement to help students overcome obstacles.

AI-assisted learning support

Our AI assistant is available to chat with students, offering advice and answering questions related to assignments, thereby enhancing understanding and engagement.

User management by administrators

Administrators can efficiently manage user roles and permissions, ensuring a controlled and secure educational environment. This functionality is important for maintaining the integrity and smooth operation of educational initiatives.

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The Result

Altamira’s AI-powered solution, Uluru, has exceeded expectations, profoundly transforming the educational and developmental trajectory for kids, parents, and educators.

Key benefits include the following,

For kids

Personalised coaching and AI assistance tool accompanies the child throughout the learning journey and plainly helps to define task requirements. It also gives hints and guides the student toward understanding a new idea through questions, which significantly improves academic success and motivation.

For parents

The Uluru app offers deep insights into children’s learning, improving parental understanding and support, thereby enhancing the home learning environment. 

For educators

Uluru’s integration with LMSs streamlines data sharing and improves communication, enabling teachers to monitor progress and intervene promptly.

Altamira team has delivered unique, custom-built solution tailored for children requiring a customised approach. Uluru tool transforms the learning process structure, helps students understand the process of learning with cognitive principles that often are missing from classroom environments, and offers new opportunities for parents to track and improve students’ academic success.

Being deeply invested in the education sector, it was quite a challenge to find a software development partner capable of understanding and delivering on our vision. Altamira rose to the occasion, meeting our expectations with the development of our educational solution.

Altamira's team demonstrated excellent skill and dedication throughout the project. Their holistic approach was evident in how professionally they integrated our ideas with their expertise, resulting in a product that totally meets our goals.

A key feature of our platform is the AI assistant, designed by Altamira. This assistant guides students through resolving issues encountered during assignments. This feature alone has streamlined the educational experience for many students, empowering them to take control of their learning process in new ways.

The design, development, and testing phases were handled with the utmost attention to detail, ensuring that the end product was not only functional but also visually appealing and user-friendly.

Deveren Fogle, CEO

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