Artificial Intelligence 🤖      Voice recognition software development for business

Voice recognition software development for business

Artificial Intelligence 🤖


Voice recognition system has already become a trivial thing in our daily life. It helps when we are busy or don’t the ability to pick the phone to do a command we need. Several years ago we could only dream about the personal assistants of this type.

From the very beginning, developers created the program “Audrey” that could recognize from 1 to 9 words by a single voice. Then the number has grown to 16 words. But it was clear that it is not enough to call it voice recognition development. Usually, people type 40 words per minute at that time as the voice assistant can type listening to you about 150 words.

All you need to know about voice recognition 

Hearing the term “voice recognition” the first thing that is curious to know is how it really works. Let’s define that voice recognition is a computer program or mobile app that takes the input of human speech, converts it, and transcribes it into text. Speech recognition app is used to make calls, write messages, take notes, perform diverse commands on your smartphone, and, also, to make a search of any topic via the internet.

There are hundreds of languages and accents put into this system. The algorithms used in this form of technology include PLP features, Viterbi search, deep neural networks, discrimination training, WFST framework, etc. 

According to the statistics of the latest years, there were 3.25 billion voice assistants estimated and actively used in diverse points of the world. The prediction is during the next 4 years this number is going to reach and overtake the number of the world’s population.

Here are examples of the most popular and downloaded voice recognition apps that people use on a daily basis:

Voice recognition software development for business

  • Google Mobile Apps – a personal assistant that helps you to type, search, or translate any information, of any size and language. It saves a lot of time for people who deal with papers a lot.
  • Alexa – the virtual assistant that helps to control your smart home, play audio, send voice commands, and receive responses.
  • Bing – it is the storage of based spoken languages, it helps to recognize and type text from the audio records or real-time call or conversation; it has been downloaded to 400 million devices.
  • Siri Assistant – modern personal assistant that performs different commands on your iPhone, iPad, or iMac: calls, messages, notes, searches via internet, reminders – any information that you can easily get from your devices. Siri is considered to be the first and most popular voice assistant and it’s used on 700 million devices.

How to develop voice recognition software?

Creating a voice recognition program is not that easy but tremendously useful for business. So what are the main difficulties developers can face while producing speech recognition software?

  • Speed of talking –  people are different and talk in different ways – slow, fast, quiet, loud – all these features have to be considered.
  • Pronunciation – there are words that sound simultaneously, also, diverse meanings of words like dialects, homophones, etc.
  • One person speaking – voice recognition program is able to recognize a single voice with no background noises for better understanding by your virtual personal assistant, it mostly identifies the speaker, not the words you say.

If talking about API, it depends on the area of your business and where it will be used.

Voice recognition assistant APIs for apps don’t need to be as in-depth or have as many technical functions, like grammar or syntax, for example. This means these APIs tend to be lighter, faster, and quicker to load. To custom API of your app, developers will have to use diverse tools.

For your better understanding, we will show some examples:

  • Google speech-to-text API – it is considered to be the most well-spread among developers, as it recognizes more than 120 languages, it is suitable for web and apps, it converts not only your speech but phone calls or videos into text
  • Microsoft API differs by speaker recognition, it scans the user`s voice, adapts its styles, and patterns, also, there is an option of real-time transcription
  • IBM Watson processes natural language, it offers three different interfaces for developers. There’s a WebSocket interface, an HTTP REST interface, and an asynchronous HTTP interface.

How can your business benefit from using voice recognition software?

 First of all, the speech recognition app reduces the work with papers and written documents. So you can dictate and every word will be saved on your device. Also, it will help with the translation of documents of any complexity. It is an often and important thing in business, especially working with foreign partners or developers. 

Using voice recognition development in your business of course decreases some unnecessary costs. It concerns to people how are hired to work with papers or even income and outcome calls. As with speech recognition, you can get an option of automatic calling to hot and cold calls, and then get an alert to your device about real lead.

Voice recognition assistant can be used in a wide range of different spheres. It makes many processes easier, for example, for translators, travel agents, or students. There is no need to look through all the dictionaries, written as well as online. You can convert any information in real-time and get the translation, meaning, or explanation. It will save you much time for doing another task or working with other clients that leads to increasing your income.


Software developments have already become an inevitable part of small and huge businesses. They make the work organized, optimized, reduce some costs and number of workers. And, also, attracts more clients as they see that you go with time and modern technologies. 

It is time to develop your own voice recognition solution with the team of our professionals. We will pick every detail suitable for you, as filling and design of software, and help to make your business more successful and modern.


There is no need to say much – it optimizes and automates numerous processes, can reduce costs, make your company more technological and competitive and reduce chances of human failures.
Acoustic and language modeling is inevitable for the right algorithms of the app working.
It mostly depends on the number of options you want this app to perform. For detailed information, please, contact us through our blog
Many diverse and worthy developments already exist – Google speech API, Microsoft API, Siri API. It will depend on the type of activities your business takes part in. For more detailed information contact our business analyst and we will propose the most suitable variant for you.

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