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What is the Internet of Everything – Definition & Examples

Software Development 💻


IoT the Internet of Things defines the network of physical objects—“things”—equipped with specially developed sensors, software, and other technologies enabling to connect them together and exchange data within the network of devices and systems through the internet. While the IoEInternet of Everything is a notion describing the all-around interconnection of devices, wise data cognition and received technology intelligence. The Intelligent connections have gone far beyond PC’s and mobile phones, becoming all-pervasive. Today, thanks to IoE technology, any object can become a part of a common network of connections created to generate, exchange and facilitate valuable data through relevant decision-making processes. The current type of connection does not resemble M2M communication, becoming an absolute groundbreaking innovative approach in the world of technology enabling automation and advanced Apps building. The IoE partially was aimed at transcending the rather passive IoT view and M2M dimension.

IoE gains tremendous popularity today, so in the current article we would like to cover the potential of IoE technology, discuss similar technologies often confused with IoE and discuss the practical value of the solutions powered with IoE.

The untapped potential of IoE technology

According to the Forbes research, we will have 4.9 billion connected things. The network of devices creates useful big data which is then analyzed and sorted, enabling the introduction of new features and smart updates to improve the available devices. It relates people, data, processes and devices, creating more valuable network connections.

According to the IoE philosophy, the world is full of the billions of sensors that are implanted into devices, machines and everyday objects, expanding their basic functionality turning the whole network into a smart technological network solution. It has proved to be the next stage technology after IoT.

Here is the list of the main IoE features:

  • It is ‘moving-to-the-edge technology based on big volumes of data, processed not in a single center, but in numerous distributed nodes
  • Making the network connections more valuable, the IoE creates new abilities, richer experiences and opens up new economic possibilities for businesses
  • IoE basic point is decentralization, moving to the edge being an evolution in networking and computing
  • Data input and output — external data can be distributed among the devices and pot back to other components of the network
  • IoE is comprised of four different components, People, Processes, Data, and Things.

four pillars of ioe

IoT vs IoB vs IoE

We are living in the age of technology and new terms and notions are emerging every minute, making our lives easier and confusing us a little since it becomes quite tricky to come up with a clear picture of what is what.
Let us shed more light on the notions of IoT, IoB and IoE and their respective practical applications. See the table below to get a more clear understanding:

Internet of Things – a network of interlinked physical objects that gather and exchange data via the Internet.It is an extended notion from IoT – Internet of Behaviour.
Data collection (BI, Big Data, CDPs, etc.) contains information about customer behaviours, interests and preferences.
Internet of Everything – the connections between people, things, data and processes combined into a common interrelated system, the aim of which is to improve experiences and make smarter decisions.
Creates the link between the objects previously incapable of generating, transmitting and receiving data unless augmented or manipulated.Capture, analyse, understand and respond to all interactions thus tracking and interpreting the behavior of people utilizing the latest technology in machine learning algorithms.Convert collected information into actions, facilitate data-based decision-making and provide new capabilities and richer experiences.
IoT focuses on physical objects only.The IoB has a great impact on consumer choices, fully reshapes and redesigns the value chain.IoE encompasses four components (things, processes, data and people) allowing to deliver smart and flexible tech solutions.
As soon as the data reaches the cloud, software processes it and then might decide to perform an action, such as sending an alert or automatically adjusting the sensors/devices without the need for the user.

-analysis of customer’s habits;

-analysis of the interaction;

-real time targeting;

-complete clients satisfaction and involvement.

-data processing is performed in numerous distributed nodes;

-external data can be put into devices and given back to other components of the network;

-connectivity with cloud computing, fog computing, AI, ML, IoT, Big Data.

How can IoE reshape the key Industries

IoE is a new distributed ecosystem, being a broader term than IoT, coined by Cisco as an Internet of Everything, which mainly revolves around the connectivity, networking and cognition. All devices outfitted with digital features can be linked to the general network producing valuable connections to generate data, exchange it and enhance beneficial decision-making. The aim of the IoE is transforming the collected data into new capabilities to create richer experiences.
IoE digital transformation greatly influenced the changes in technology, namely — cloud computing, fog computing, AI, ML, IoT, Big Data, etc. IoE is a technology of the future and it has had a significant footprint in some key industries. Among the greatest opportunities that IoE gave to various industries, the following were thought to definitely be worth highlighting:

  • doctor to enter the internet profile and monitor the results at any time
  • remote healthcare
  • alternative forms of providing treatment
  • intensive care and understanding by constant monitoring of the patient’s conditions.
Automotive industry 
  • smart parking 
  • connected drive and driverless cars for drive-through restaurants and laundry.
  • safety functions are boosted by in-time -smart vehicle diagnosis and in-tone repairment
  • limiting the spread of internet hacking 
  • little contact with customers
  • instant feedback in the service
  • smart consulting, strategic planning and execution 
  • generating new systems for data analytics and engagement. 
  • smart factories – tuning the communication between robot – person -machine
  • connecting data by synchronized data linked to the productions and human intelligence 
  • ability to predict the weak points before the eluded the factories performance
  • raising the efficiency and productivity through smarter and quicker designs
  • linking new and old equipment
  • increasing productivity
  • water wise consumption
  • smart grid
  • waste management
  • gas monitoring
Various operation procedures
  • Management of Smart buildings — schools Smart buildings — non-education buildings 
  • Fleet management 
  • Smart payments Cybersecurity
  • advanced monitoring of crop, climate, and soil condition 
  • monitoring of livestock
  • automation of growing conditions, including adaptive watering and fertilization, in-time eradication of pests
  • automated greenhouses
Supply chain management
  • boosted the supply chain transparency
  • automation of check – ins and -outs
  • enabled to monitor the location of goods and its storage conditions
  • better equipment maintenance with predictive abilities
  • better shopping experience, advantageous customer service
  • high level security
  • Notifications concerning any issues of transportation, including timing and overall conditions
  • route optimization

Contribution of IoE into environment and for people with special needs

The IoE technology has opened a lot of possibilities and social benefits, improving the quality of life for people with disabilities and contributing to environmental protection. Here is the list of possibilities the IoE has gifted to society:

  • Wearable Medical Devices (WMD) which a person can wear on their body for various applications such as heart rate monitoring, hearing aids, smart artificial prothesis  
  • UX designers have elaborated on solutions that allowed to increase the accessibility of IOS and Android Apps. Today exists a keyboard navigation option for users with physical disabilities and alternative text options for those, who are unable to see.
  • Due to the issued ACT more and more people need to apply inclusive practices at a workplace to make the lives of the disabled more comfortable and accessible. The conveniences include: automated doors, screen-reader applications, smart voice assistants, and brain-computer interfaces (BCI).
  • It also allowed making people with disabilities more independent, thanks to such IoE and IoT powered technology as motion detector lights, voice controlled thermostats, adjustable temperature of water
  • Technology assists in making our world more green thanks to the emergence of electricity-driven cars.
  • Using collars powered with IoE allow to keep track of species under extinction, their geolocation and life habits.
  • Technology allowed wise usage of planet resources – energy and water – in our everyday lives.

Watch the video below to get more insights about the contribution of IoE technology for the Disabled.

The practical Value of IoE for businesses

According to the Cisco research, here is the list of public-sector use cases that will drive the most Value at Stake over the next decade. Those entrepreneurs who will make the decisions to transform their businesses with the help of intelligent IoE  technology based on real use cases can receive the most value.

Getting the maximum value from IoE, public-sector leaders should start redesign of their businesses. Here is the info from real life use cases illustrating how IoE works in the real world. The following nine use cases will constitute 86% of the total IoE Value at Stake for the public sector over the next 10 years:

  • Connected militarized defense ($1.5T)
  • Mobile collaboration ($951B)
  • Cybersecurity ($363B)
  • Connected learning ($258B)
  • Travel avoidance ($245B)
  • Smart grid ($216B)
  • BYOD ($168B)
  • Chronic disease management ($146B)
  • Telework ($125B)

Thus, IoE can assist greatly as an instrument for increasing employees’ productivity, open new possibilities for education, healthcare, tourism industry as well as cybersecurity.

Unlock the potential of IoE with Altamira
Now is the best time to take the decision to power up your business with an IoE solution and not only boost the performance, but also enhance your competitive advantage. Thanks to a number of successfully deployed projects, Altamira is an expert in IoE development and implementation. We can help with the consultation and the choice of the best decision able to satisfy your individual business needs.

Only professional service, consistent quality and trusted products are in the DNA of our company – we put in the greatest efforts to power the growth of the client.

And as to the solutions, the list of the industries we can cover includes but is not limited to: 

  • Business
  • Education
  • Automotive industry solutions
  • Logistics
  • Healthcare
  • Travel industry

To sum up

The reality is that the Internet of Everything becomes more intelligent by the second, and businesses should benefit from this technology and widely incorporate IoE technology to power up their businesses. Entrepreneurs are crafting strategies that take as a basis the incorporation of IoE technology, enabling to unravel the potential of integrating a full stack of IoE capabilities. The IoE turns the collected data into actions that create new capabilities that we can only imagine now. If you anticipate that the pace at which technology is transforming the business is not fast enough, you’ll be in for a surprise. Things are about to get much faster with the utilization of IoE.


In the IoE, “people” are connected to the Internet in various ways, using their mobile phones, TV’s and tablets.
The network of devices creates useful data which is analyzed and sorted, enabling to introduce new features and smart updates to improve the available devices.
IoT focuses on physical objects only. IoE encompasses four components (things, processes, data and people) allowing to deliver smart and flexible tech solutions

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