Outstaffing 🤝      Software developers in Ukraine – Top Reasons to Choose

Software developers in Ukraine – Top Reasons to Choose

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Ukraine is the best destination for you to employ any ideas in Web and Mobile software in 2021. The country has proved to be a top trusted spot to hire Ukraine developers. Thanks to its abundance of highly-skilled Ukraine software engineers, the country has become a leading software provider in Eastern Europe. Ukraine software development companies offer a rich list of advantages that can be divided into four groups: location, labor pool, work approach, and national mentality.

In this article, we have researched each of these groups of benefits in order to get to the essence of why outsource to a Ukraine software engineer. You will get to know about all the significant facts about why hire developers in Ukraine, location, education, work approach, and mentality.

Hire Ukrainian Advanced Development team on the crossroads of Europe and ex Iron Curtain

Being located in the center of Europe, Ukrainian developers are always in the center of innovations and latest technologies, making great contributions to various industries’ digitalization and business growth. Here is the list of significant facts proving why hiring the Ukraine software engineer is the best choice.

Suitable time-zone
Ukrainian time-zone is only one hour ahead of European countries and perfectly suits to customers from Australian and American time-zones, so you can get in touch with outsourced Ukrainian developers team with no impact on your own working schedule. In other words, hire a Ukrainian development team and get better operational monitoring, ease of communication, and absolute project control.
Recruitment capabilities
The absence of strong legal restrictions or trade unions make Ukrainian one of the Top 3 destinations for the outsourced software development team. Ukraine is recognized as one of the best countries to outsource Web & Mobile development to. Despite all political instabilities, the Ukrainian software market is growing rapidly. For now, it’s the only sector of the Ukrainian economy that is seemingly immune to the political and economic uncertainty and fluctuations. The sector is showing steady growth, which results in an increased number of jobs and higher salaries among the software development teams from Ukraine.
No rigorous visa requirements
Easy to apply and obtain a work permit/residence for foreigners. Ukraine is the largest country located in Eastern Europe. As it is located on the cusp of Europe – Russia – Central Asia – Middle East trade routes, the country appears to be perfectly positioned for a customer aiming to find a tech partner.
Western orientation
Ukrainian software engineering industry is focused on the U.S., European Union, and Australian markets. All major software development teams in Ukraine arepartnered with recognized brands and leaders in the Internet industry. They are cooperating with the likes of Microsoft & Skype, Deutsche Bank, Apple, Bosch, eBay, Dell and IBM. More than a hundred global major tech firms conduct R&D activities in Ukraine that leads to cost savings.
Valuable info

Why Ukraine is the second Silicon Valley – benefits of siding with a Ukrainian software development team?

There are over 15,000 registered software outsourcing companies in Ukraine, most of them are integrated into the western business world. Visa and Uber invest in Ukraine and they tend to increase their influence on the market pouring the latest electronics, marketing, and management trends into the country. 

Labor pool

The professional workforce is the second major driver for the booming software product development sector in Ukraine. Hire a Ukrainian development team to enjoy the proficiency and intelligence of the country’s engineers – the key element to great results and successes.

In 2018 there were over 160,000 Ukrainian software developers, and in 2023, just the number of tech teams is expected to surpass the 300,000+ mark.

The high level of expertise of developers in Ukraine helps the country retain leadership in Eastern Europe by volumes of orders received by a country in the region. Not to mention that competitors: Russia, Poland, and Belarus have established IT industries themselves. The fact that 18 Ukrainian companies were included in the top-100 best IT companies in the world speaks for the level of quality of the market. 

Map with ranking by programmers efficiency

Map with ranking by programmers efficiencyStrong skillset

Ukrainian software engineers and freelancers are skilled in a variety of technologies and often are familiar with multiple programming languages at once. Especially in web technologies as there is a long-lasting demand for such services on the inner market too. That is why it is advisable to opt for contractors for web software development in Ukraine.


Map The quantity of graduates in Ukraine

Thanks to the educational model with an equal interest in humanities and natural sciences, CIS engineers are well-known for their big-picture thinking and unconventional, outside-the-box approach to problem-solving.

At least 80% of developers in Ukraine hold a bachelor’s degree. Over 80% of them are under the age of 30. That Y-generation of Ukrainian developers is all but obsessed with technical innovations and implementing all novelties possible, thus hiring a Ukrainian development team is the best decision you can possibly come to.

In addition, many businesses recommended Ukrainian outsourcing software teams because they have advanced knowledge of English, which will make the communication process easier.

Work Approach of developers in Ukraine

The decision to hire a development team in Ukraine will pay off in the long run. It means that you choose the stability, high quality, low risks as well as opting for having the latest, most modern technological solutions developed fro you. Ukrainian development team has proved its credibility and efficiency on the world IT market, delivering the best possible solutions at a reasonable price. Here is the list of real benefits you will get:

Affordable prices
Developers in Ukraine, compared to cheaper offshore options like India, The Philippines, or China, offer a superior price/quality ratio. If you want to feel the difference between the quality of code between Ukrainian developers and those from India for example, you can always conduct a code review to appreciate the difference. We bet that you will be deeply awed by the results you will get.
Ukrainian developers are up-to-date with recent innovations, because of their location and western-oriented mindset. The broadband here is obscenely cheap and reliable, so there will be no issue in terms of connection and communication with the outsourcing team.
Security and Transparency
This is one of the biggest risks that a company takes with outsourcing. A big point of focus for many business owners is that they want to rest assured that their copyrights and secrets are safe. Unlike jurisdictions such as that in China (and their applicable law), the Ukrainian legislation system guarantees copyright and has regulatory systems in place that enforce all NDA commitments.
It can be proved by many success cases where software development results, implementation and integration didn’t disappoint. A good example is Grammarly and Viewable startup, which developed the Face Detection/Recognition Technology that has become an integral and indispensable part of the Google ecosystem. As part of your partnership with a company of Ukrainian developers, you would most likely be provided with a project manager who will coordinate the whole process and serve as the bridge or liaison between you and your remote team. Compared to Western countries, where the going average hourly rate for software developers can range anywhere from 60$ to 100$ per hour, Ukrainian developers are paid from 25$ to 50$ per hour.
Ukraine developers have the ability, in addition to  many others, to think from the client’s perspective. You won’t have any cultural barriers and our communication in traditional Western-style always fulfills with a sense of humor but maintain a professional attitude to tackle the tasks in a serious and focused matter is always a priority. Many software development companies in Ukraine provide “full-stack” development, mobile development, quality assurance. Therefore, you can entrust the whole life-cycle of the project to one company that becomes your reliable outsourcing partner.

Cultural similarities allow you to find the most reasonable solutions in a more collaborative and less process-driven business environment. Compared to other great developer hubs such as India or China, Ukraine software engineer has less cultural differences with their counterparts. So you can be sure that Ukrainians are capable of implementing any top-notch ideas, turning powerpoint into reality.

Expend the technology horizons with Altmaira

Altamira is among the top development teams with advanced experience in the technology field. Having profound expertise in various industries including automotive, manufacturing, fintech, HR and recruitment, healthcare, agriculture, and education, our Ukraininan developers deliver efficient solutions boosting business performance and allowing you to digitize and automate all your internal processes.

We approach every project with absolute passion and responsibility. It always includes a discovery stage allowing us to discover as many details as possible and deploy the best solutions allowing to beat the competitors and enforce customer’s advantages on the market.

Security and transparency are our number one priority. Client and the company sign the non-disclosure agreement and strictly stick to the NDA, guaranteeing that all project details including data, code, budgeting etc. are absolutely confidential and secure.

As to industrial standards and requirements, we always examine them and strictly follow them while developing each project. By cooperating with our team, you can be sure that the end solution will be totally secure and standards compliant.

Altamira developers utilize the latest agile and scrum methodologies, enabling us to cut the development cycle and make the scope more flexible.

In-depth manual and automated testing allows to work out multiple use cases, speeding up the process of deployment and eliminating all the possible bugs with the speed of light.

UX/UI designers create highly interactive and user-friendly interfaces using modern tools and technologies like Flutter.

Our experts build software that pays off in the long run! We are already proud of the large and growing number of successful projects we have finished and positive reviews we’ve received from our customers regarding those completions.

Summing up

Ukraine is a great talent hub having built a unique platform expertise in software development. Being located on the crossroads of Europe, Ukrainian development teams have gained much profound skills mastering the latest tech updates to be able to deliver high-quality solutions. Educated Ukrainian developers, favorable prices, usage of the most modern technologies as well as the lowest risks make Ukraine the best choice to entrust your digitalization.


Ukraine has a great pool of talented and educated software engineers with a rich experience in the field, possessing profound skills and deploying the software for world recognized companies such as Microsoft&Skype, Deutsche Bank, Apple, Bosch, eBay, Dell, and IBM.
When it comes to Europe, Ukraine has proved to be in the top-three reliable outsourcing partners. Perfect location, developers with a high technical level, minimal risks and transparency are the key factors that all continue towards making Ukraine the ideal place to outsourcing your software development to.
Ukraine is thought/estimated to have some 589,000 such professionals: 274,790 managers, 14,495 educators, and 349,320 programmers. In 2018, there were just over 160,000 tech workers, and in 2021, the number of software development teams in Ukraine is expected to surpass the 200,000+ mark.

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